Lloyd Hewitt - Gambling Stories Collector I'm Lloyd Hewitt, gambling aficionado and gambling story collector. I hope you like this compilation of gambling stories. I'm always interested in hearing new ones, so if you have a gambling story you'd like to tell, just , and I'll add it to my site as soon as I can.

Football Gambling Stories
for your amusement

“That’s Odd - I Don’t Feel Lucky”

Veteran gamblers just plain think differently than non-gamblers. They march to a different drummer. If you’re a non-gambler you might not even understand this little story, but if you’re a veteran sports bettor it may sound all too familiar.

My brother, R. J., and I were watching pro football on the big screens at the Rio when R. J. decided to go to the Gold Coast to play blackjack. I still had several NFL bets in the air, and they were going badly, so I didn’t want to leave. (It always helps your bets if you watch them on television and root for your side.)

R. J. and I agreed to meet later for dinner at a new restaurant we hadn’t yet tried.

I went on to get buried. It was one of my worst weekends ever against the NFL, and I certainly didn’t feel like having dinner. Never mind how much I lost; - call it plenty. I drove straight home.

When my brother got home I apologized for not meeting him at the restaurant. "I’m sorry," I said, "but I got killed after you left. I lost every bet... I didn’t feel like eating."

"You’re lucky," my brother said, "the food was terrible."

This gambling story courtesy of: ProfessionalGambler.com

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