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“The Las Vegas Heist”

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Many people are enthralled with the various stories that surround the world of gambling, most notably the tales concerning infamous robberies and heists. Something about the suspense and skill it takes to rob a casino – where money is the most important thing that passes through those walls – seems to captivate people who enjoy gambling – and even those who do not. One of the best gambling tales is one of truth, and it involves the infamous Las Vegas Casino Heist that took place in 1992.

The Heist

The Las Vegas Casino heist resulted in one of the biggest losses to a casino in the history of gambling. Bill Brennan, the suspect, was working as a cashier in the Stardust sports book. At the end of his career, Brennan plotted an elaborate scheme that resulted in his walking out of the casino with over $500,000 in cash and chips. Although there were several hints leading up the heist that could have revealed Brennan’s less than honorable nature, these were all ignored, and Brennan was considered to be a generally nice guy whom other people could ask for favors.

Brennan began to display classic signs that something in his job just wasn’t right. He was overpaying his friends when they would win their bets. There was also an incident where Brennan overpaid his friend by about $5,000 and was caught by the casino. While the casino manager wanted to fire Brennan, the manager did not for the only reason that Brennan was popular among the more high rolling customers. The casino manager wanted to keep those customers happy – so he kept Brennan around and employed.

The night that Brennan walked out, most people inside the casino were wrapped up in an important sports game that was taking place. There were more than a few bettors placing wagers inside the casino that night. While a fellow employee noted that Brennan seemed a bit more distracted than usual, there were no other signs something would go wrong that night. After the game was over, Brennan agreed to take the fellow employee’s bank back as a favor. Brennan walked out of the casino and was never seen or heard from again by anyone at the establishment. There are still theories about how Brennan accomplished his heist, and it is still unclear about whether Brennan worked with a partner or not.

Still, how he stole over a half million dollars and walked out with it in his duffel bag continues to flabbergast police to this day.

This gambling story courtesy of: GamblingLore.com
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